Updated Nov 16, 2022

Ep 4: What Makes a Great Sales Funnel Pt 1

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You can build sales funnels anywhere. Your sales funnel builds your business for you while you're doing other things that are going on in your life – your 9 to 5, raising your babies, etc.

In the last episode, we talked specifically about what goes into a great sales funnel and how important it can be to have an automated sales funnel. (Plus, I totally drop a bomb on another great episode with Tamira Hamilton.)

Guaranteed, you've tried to build a sales funnel. You might have given up or tried to skip some steps to create mini funnels and seen your funnels fail. A lot of time, we want to get to the end result so fast. A good sales funnel is like a chain, if there's a weak link it's going to fall apart.

1. You need solid ad copy.

You want to have strong, clear, concise ad copy that dials into the pain points of your customer. Your ad copy is the gateway to your business. It has to hook people in.

If your ad copy sucks, your funnel is going to be weak. You want to make sure you pull people in and describe why they need to download.

When in doubt, tell a story. Talk to your audience. Be vulnerable. Make your ad look as least like an ad as possible.

2. You need a headline that hooks.

You really need to dive into the pain point. You want to hook them in with the headline. This is like your email subject line. You want them to open it.

Everything has to be congruent. If your ad copy does not match your opt-in page, people are not going to opt-in.

You can figure out if this is the weak link if you are getting click-throughs but no opt-ins. Aim for a 30% opt-in rate. If you're seeing lower than 20%, you need to go back to the drawing board.

On the other side, if your opt-in rate is 80% or higher, you need to monetize it!

If you have a high bounce rate, you need to take a look at the analytics and the heat map of your page to see where people are clicking. Your headline might not be strong enough.

3. Your lead magnet needs to deliver.

If you mess this part of your funnel up, they're never going to buy from you. If your lead magnet does not deliver on the promise, they're not going to trust you ever again.

You give your best information away for free. You should lead them to the promised land with your lead magnet. Then there is one more thing you can do to make their life so much better.

4. Your Thank You page needs a strong call to action.

This is the place where a lot of marketers or would-be marketers drop the ball. You can monetize, take them to the next step, bring them to a webinar and deepen the relationship.

We see just a quick “thank you” way too often! This is one of the most powerful places to drop a video of yourself talking and sharing another resource or product.

People won't know where to go if you don't guide them. Join us next week as we talk about the final 4 parts of your sales funnel that are SO necessary. The next 4 are fire.

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